Term 1 Week 6 # 3
Thursday, March 5, 2009 @ 6:57 AM
Hi everyone, just in case you don't know me, I am none other than the Chairman of the Recycling Club in my school. Today, I would like to share with you about recyling, pros about recycling and hopefully, convince you to fund the recycling campaign.First of all, what is recycling? Recycling is letting used and unwanted materials such as cans and bottles undergo melting and form new materials. Did you know that throwing litter into regular rubbish bins and recycling bins make a lot lf difference? If you make a point to throw recycable materials into recycling bins, there would be less shortage of such materials and the world would also be less polluted and a better place to live in. In addition, the cost of such materials would also go down enabling you to save more money in times like" The Great Depression". Recycling kills three birds with one stone, so why wait? Pick up all your recycable materials and put them into their respective bins. Thank you for your kind attention.
News In Class Term 1 Week 5 # 1
Wednesday, March 4, 2009 @ 8:14 AM
Hello, do you know who I am? I am none other than the president of the Activists' Club in Singapore. I have recently recently conducted a nationwide survey and its results are shocking.Many of the primary school students have a nonchalant attitude towards enviromental issuses. Pherhaps you may be too young to understand what is happening now, but it's alright. All you have to do is to do your part in saving the enviroment.
Many of your parent's are still fetching you around for school, tuition, training, etc... but did you know that you unwittingly contributed to global warming? If you are old enough, take buses instead of cars. Although they are slower, they still do not contribute to global warming that much. Another alternative is taking Mass Rapid Transit(MRT). In fact, they contributes the lest (among the three mentioned above)to global warming. Another good point is that you spend less money on travelling.
Hence, I would like to advise you to step out of your comfort zone and start learning to be more enviromentaly friendly. Hopefully, more of you will be less nonchalant about enviromental issuses and think about what I have just said. Thank you for your kind attention.
News In Class Term 1 Week 4 # 2
Hi everyone. Today, I would like to disscus about the human body which is laden with processed food that is bad for it, with referance to my own diet. Today, many like to eat processed food which is bad for our health. In today's society, many eat processed food because it is not only able to last long, but also quite tasty. Howecver, did you know that it is extremly unhealthy? The process of processing the processed food make it unhealthy because of the ingredients they use to process it. Not only is it unhealthy, it is also cancerous. Fortunately, a little of it is quite hamless(unless you are allergic to it).In my diet, I don't usually eat processed food(unless there is absolutely no other choice). I prefer to eat non-processed food as it is not only a healthier choice, it also taste better to me. Most of the time, my maid would cook or I will eat in school. I believe that the food served in school is a much healthier choice than processed food.
From what I know, all the ingredients that are added to process the food will stay in your body in a long time before it's cleared. All in all, i hope that after reading my blog, you will try your best to abstain from processed food. Thank you for your kind attention.
News In Class Term 1 Week 3 # 1
Tuesday, March 3, 2009 @ 7:04 AM
Hi, I think that most of you will know me by now. If you don't, I am none other than Dr. Tan. I feel extremely honoured today to be invited to make an article contribution to a youth magazine to encourage young people to set worthwhile goals and work towards them.The first question is what type of goals is worthwhile and which are not. Goals which are worthwhile are within reach. For example. if you are a beginner in mountain climbing, do not set goals like climbing Mount Everest. Instead, set more worthwhile goals such as climbing Mount Kinabalu. then work hard towards it. For example, you can start off by running 5 kilometres or climbing twenty stories a day. I believe that with much perseverance, you would be able to achieve your goal.
I hope that after my speech today, more people would be able to set more worthwhile goals and work hard towards them. Thank you for your kind attention.